
The City

From the early settlers, it was called Terra Tramonti because intra montes, Land among the mountains. Tramonti had its period of greatest splendor during the resurgence of the Republic of Amalfi.

There are numerous places of artistic value to appreciate: in the locality of Gete, you can admire the Rock Chapel (VIII-XII century); in Figlino, the apse of a Byzantine church, with valuable frescoes (VIII-IX century); in Polvica, the convent of S. Francesco, built in 1710, the annexed Church is a single nave, with two sarcophagi containing the bodies of the bishops Ambrogio Romano and Martino De Majo, Archpriest of Tramonti (1506); in Paterno S. Arcangelo, the Church of the Ascension in Romanesque style (9th-10th century); in Paterno S. Elia, the Church of S. Elia with an artistic portal made of black tuff from Sorrento: the interior has three naves, with the central one covered by barrel vaults and the side ones by cross vaults; in Pucara, the Church of S. Erasmo, built in 1533 on the ruins of the ancient Church of S. Sebastiano, has a single-nave interior with side arches covered in Baroque stucco: paintings and altarpieces are of significant artistic interest.

The predominant activity in the area is agriculture, especially viticulture with the now famous "Costa d'Amalfi" DOC wines, and chestnut farming. There are also industries and crafts using chestnut wood for basket weaving and the art of papermaking, handmade in the ancient Amalfi Paper Mill in Pucara.

Tramonti has great traditions, recently rediscovered, in the dairy sector. The development of tourism is emerging.

How to Reach Tramonti

Highway A3, exit Angri at km. 20, continue along provincial road no. 1 (Valico di Chiunzi).

The Municipality can also be reached by public bus services.

Slices of Culture and Nature in Tramonti

  • Rock Chapel (Gete)
  • Castle of Santa Maria La Nova
  • Roman Villa
  • Conservatory of SS. Giuseppe e Teresa (Pucara)
  • Convent of the Minor Friars with the Church of San Francesco
  • Valico di Chiunzi
  • Chiancolelle