
The City

An ancient fishing village, chosen for its mild climate and the beauty of the place, was a holiday destination for the noblest and wealthiest Roman class.

Over the years, Positano has preserved its character as an elite tourist center. Its houses, all white with vaulted roofs, typically Mediterranean, gently slope towards the azure sea.

The numerous shops, nestled on the sides of narrow, elegant, and colorful streets, showcase the style known as "Moda Positano," which in itself is a significant attraction.

Among the monuments of high historical and artistic interest, the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta stands out with its wonderful maiolica dome.

How to Reach Positano

Highway A3, exit Castellammare di Stabia at km. 43, continue along S.S. 145 and SS. 163; Highway A3, exit Vietri sul Mare at km. 36, S.S. 163.

The Municipality can also be reached by public bus services.

Slices of Culture and Nature in Positano

  • Palazzo Murat
  • Tower on the island of Gallo Lungo
  • Remains of a Roman villa on the islet of Gallo Lungo
  • Tower of Fornillo
  • Coastal tower Trasita
  • Tower of the Sponda
  • Grotta la Porta
  • Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta
  • Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie or Chiesa Nuova
  • Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Montepertuso
  • Oasis Vallone Porto